
Day 16: Highs And Lows

April 16, 2012

One of my favorite childhood dinner memories besides the aforementioned massive quantities I consumed was a game we played at the dinner table called “Highs And Lows.” Basically we would go around in a circle and talk about our most favorite (“High”) and least favorite (“Low”) part of our respective days. This may be a […]

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Day 15: These Are My Confessions

April 15, 2012

Today I intended to catch you up on the past few years. Unfortunately there are more pressing matters to disclose. Last night I (a) got really drunk and (b) made terrible food choices…twice. Here’s how it went down: My fave neighbor ever, Stephenie, and I decided to hit up local McDonoughs Bar for some drinks […]

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Day 11: Are You There Carbs? It’s Me, Carolyn

April 11, 2012

I was super on track most of today. I was psyched to enjoy a healthy chocolate shake for breakfast courtesy of Phase II of the 24 Day Challenge. I ate a few small, healthy meals throughout the workday and even got in a short walk midday. After work I joined my family and my dear […]

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Day 9: Pan Seared Tuna on Sauteed Spinach & Mushrooms

April 9, 2012

When I got to work this morning I had an email about an urgent project. In healthcare IT, people tend to mark every project as urgent, ASAP, and due yesterday. I suppose that is probably true in most fields. I like to take advantage of this trend and mark clearly unimportant emails as urgent. I […]

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Day 8: Easter Sunday

April 8, 2012

Okay I do go on other Sundays, sometimes. But to be honest, and I will because it’s Easter, I haven’t really found a church home since moving back to Savannah. I LOVE singing so I joined a choir at a local Catholic church for a quick minute so I could sing. After a few months […]

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Day 7: Forsyth Farmers’ Market

April 7, 2012

Today Mama and I had a girls’ day which included shopping at our local farmers’ market in Savannah’s Forsyth Park.  I know this is like the fifth time this week that I’ve mentioned my mom. As a point of clarification, I don’t consider myself a mama’s girl or a daddy’s girl. I would like to […]

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Day 6: Childhood Obesity

April 6, 2012

I haven’t been able to sleep most of the night, so I’ve finally started working on my “About Me” page. Through the 24 day challenge I am beginning to meet a lot of people who don’t really know me so it is time to fill them in. This is only a small part of my […]

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Day 4: You Find Out Who Your Friends Are

April 4, 2012

Today was one of those days where the “everything that can go wrong will” principle was very much in play. I awoke with a bad headache, fever, and generally felt horrible. I began the day and my Cleanse ritual without much enthusiasm and it all went downhill from there. Nothing truly traumatic happened but paired […]

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Day 3: Inside the Challenge

April 3, 2012

Since my post on Sunday, people have been asking me for more details on The 24 Day Challenge. Strangers stop me on the street (Facebook) begging for the inside scoop and asking me question after question: Is it a cleanse? Is it a diet? Is it really challenging? How much longer until we can go for […]

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Day 2: Two New Recipes

April 2, 2012

An essential part of The 24 Day Challenge is eating an appropriate amount of protein (at least 10 grams at each lunch and dinner) and limiting carbs (max of 30 grams at lunch and dinner). For dinner they even suggest that you eat only a lean meat and vegetables (starches don’t count!). I’m a bit […]

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